Monday, February 16, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

Yesterday we had a busy day in town. We had errands to run, Walmart, lunch, and a birthday party to attend at ChuckECheese. Afterwards, I decided to go to BabiesRus. Luke had an issue in the bathroom, and grew impatient and upset. He did as well. We had to leave the store. He cried all the way to the car, and then once he got inside the tears stopped. I was shocked! I thought, "Oh my goodness! He had a meltdown just to be able to leave!" I got upset and told him that I did not like the way he was acting and asked if he just cried so he could leave, and I went on and on (I admit too much wordage for a 5 year old). I was upset because I did not buy one thing that I needed and that he had a meltdown in the bathroom (which has NEVER happened before). As I was driving away, Luke asked if I was mad at him. I told him I was upset. He asked, "Mom, do you still love me?"

I could not believe those words had came out of his mouth! I was in shock! "Of course I still love you!" I had to explain that I was upset but I would always love him no matter what. After a few minutes, I apologized for getting upset. He told me, "that's OK."

I was totally put in check. I had to take a step back and ask, "Where has my patience gone?" I usually have great patience with Luke. I understand children. I teach children. I am good at this! What happened! I knew better than to let the small stuff get to me. I was ashamed of myself.

I love Luke so much. I was heartbroken that he even suggested that I didn't love him anymore. I know that there is alot going on with his dad, and that may have him questioning everyone in his life. I just have to make sure that he never doubts me again.

That question

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