Friday, January 16, 2009

Into sports.

Soccer or T-Ball? That is the question! I cannot get my 5-year-old son to decide. He wants to play t-ball one day, and soccer another. We are running out of time to make a decision. Soccer sign-ups are tomorrow! If I make a pro vs. con list then soccer would win hands down, but telling that to a 5-year-old isn't easy.

Pros of soccer: he is really good, he has a friend that would be on the same team, practices are shorter than t-ball, we will have the same coach
Cons of soccer: it is not t-ball!

Pros of t-ball: he is ok, mom really likes it!
Cons of t-ball: practices are long, usually one more day per week, we don't know the coach or who is playing this year

I will admit that I am partial to t-ball because I never played soccer growing up, but I am going to let Luke decide which he would prefer to play this spring.

For those of you wondering if I am making him play a sport: I essentially am making him play a sport because I want him to participate in activities with other children, exercise and stay fit. We do not live in a neighborhood. He doesn't have other children to play with outside of seeing them at school. He also learns about teamwork, rules, and challenges. He seems to enjoy it too!

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