Eli cut his first two teeth last month, and seems to be trying to cut an upper tooth now. Poor guy is super fussy, drooling, chewing on fingers and blankets, and won't suck much on bottles or binkies. I am assuming that he is teething again, however, at the same time, he is congested and starting to get a runny nose. He also started baby food (squash) last night for the first time, and it don't go over very well. He only ate about one-fourth of the jar, and then about an hour and a half later he spit it all up. This makes me wonder if he is teething, getting sick, or allergic to squash!
I am treating it as teething for now. He spit up formula today, but so far has not spit up after eating the squash tonight. He took it a little bit better the second time around. For the teething we are doing a routine of homeopathic teething tablets, Baby Orajel, and Motrin (if necessary). I hope a tooth breaks through soon! It is exhausting having a teething baby! I would assume that, at times, it would be similar to having a colicy baby. The fussiness just seems incurable sometimes.
The baby stage of life goes by the fastest, and I try really hard to appreciate every day-- no matter what is in store.
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